This meeting will focus on the difference between running a business and being self-employed. We will look at the steps to take and avoid during this transition as well as how to build a team under you so your company is successful. Strategies for promoting your business, preparing to hire staff, developing your staff, and understanding financial framework will be covered. This presentation will prepare you to move from being self-employed to running a profitable business.
Instructor: Parnell Quinn
12:00 pm PST, 3:00 pm EST
**To get to the location of this meeting please follow the instructions below**
1) Sign in to eXp World
2) Once signed in, click on the “GoTo” button in the top left-hand corner of your screen.
3) Then about half-way down the drop-down list you will see “Commercial Operations” hover over it and a second drop-down will appear for you.
4) Click on the “Commercial Auditorium”