Overview of industrial commercial real estate and essential best practices for newer or experienced professionals alike. We will cover the importance of industrial real estate, brokerage roles and transactions, types of industrial properties and building property features, leases, underwriting, and financing. This class will teach you the basics of industrial real estate and prepare you to transact a deal or to refer to an eXp Commercial specialist.
Instructor: Charles Swanberg
10:00 am PST / 1:00 pm EST
**To get to the location of this meeting please follow the instructions below**
1) Sign in to eXp World
2) Once signed in, click on the “GoTo” button in the top left-hand corner of your screen.
3) Then about half-way down the drop-down list you will see “eXp Commercial” hover over it and a second drop-down will appear for you.
4) Click on the “Commercial Auditorium”