Premiered Apr 11, 2024 — “In case you missed it!” Lead Generation with Robin Mann, Broker with eXp in Charlotte, North Carolina.
🎧 Tune in to the Full Video with ‪@RobinMannRealtor‬ HERE:    • Not Your Mom’s Lead Gen with Robin Mann Â
Has there ever been a time when you don’t know what to do for lead gen? Or there’s a time where you’re like, “oh my gosh, I’ve got to go do lead gen!” So, I like to—I like to capture, and do what is called “not your mom’s lead gen.” So what we’re going to do today is we’re going to talk about what is something you are innately good at? Like what is it that like you don’t have to try, it’s just who you are, and you do it and you do it well. In life—not in lead gen. And then, we’re going to translate that TO lead gen. Now don’t get me wrong, lead gen is work. There is going to be a part of it where you’re like “this sucks,” and it does. You’re going to embrace the suck, and you’re going to move forward and do lead gen the way you like it.