The Keys to Becoming a Successful Agent by Tabitha Caver

Learn the four critical keys to becoming a successful real estate agent. Whether you're new or experienced, working full time or part time, the keys remain the same. Learn what they are and develop your skills in those areas.

Don’t Keep It A Secret

Why did you choose real estate? There are various answers to this question, and it’s vital for you to answer and know your why. I’m sure you didn’t desire a career in real estate to keep it a secret did you? I will never forget what I was told once I became a real estate agent. It’s so important that it’s the first thing I share in Diary of a Successful Real Estate Agent:

“Do not become a secret agent like that guy. Everybody needs to know you are in real estate.” No matter what capacity you are operating at, you need to tell the world that you are a real estate agent or REALTOR®.

This applies to agents that are part-time as well. Whether you are a part-time or full-time agent, everyone should know that you are in real estate or all of your hard work is for nothing.

Social Power

One of the keys to not keeping your career as a real estate agent a secret is to share consistently on social media platforms.

The goal is to get people thinking and talking about you and what you offer. To be top of the mind with the public is essential. Listen, it does not matter what your personality type is or what you are good at, it can all be used in a brand-new creative way that allows you to stand out. Your name and brand will begin to circulate through different groups of people and industries that you never would have expected.

The fastest way to get your new brand out there is social media. Utilize these platforms to reach and connect with others. Period. It’s what I call a non-negotiable. You may have heard of this saying, it’s definitely one of my favorites. “The time to be ready is not the time to get ready.” All kinds of opportunities will start to flow in your direction and that is because you are not a secret agent. 

Value In Relationships 

The saying is true…it’s not what you know but who you know. Who you know is an intricate part of becoming successful in real estate. 

Just like relationships are the essence of life. True and meaningful relationships are the essence of a successful real estate agent. Can you think of any other career or business that does not value relationships? Let me give you the answer now, no. The foundation of success for your real estate career is solely based on your relationships. Yes, I am aware that was a bold statement, and I stand by it 100%. 

In order for someone to work with you, they have to trust you, and in order for them to trust you, they must first like you. Do you get what I am saying to you? People need to like you, respect you, then they will begin to trust you and after they trust you, they are willing to work with you. Just be likable. Wear a smile. Give a compliment. This is foundational work that needs to be done and in place before any deal is able to come your way. Do not be the grinch of real estate. 

When you are at your best, your relationships both personally and professionally will always add to your success. We need to start transforming our mindsets when it comes to creating and maintaining meaningful relationships. The key to creating meaningful relationships is to open the door and give people the chance to like you, trust you, and work with you. 

A Coach’s Mindset 

There will come a point when you have people that may not want to work with you. Obtaining real estate deals is one thing, but seeing them through is a completely different ordeal. 

I need you to adopt the coach mindset. You are the coach in your business and every real estate transaction. You see the whole transaction play by play. You instruct each player involved how to best assist each other to get the win at the closing table. You have learned and know the position of everyone who has a role to play, the client, the lender, the inspector, the closing attorney and the rest of the team. 

As the coach you can see things from a different perspective. You are able to lead and see the deal all the way to the closing table. Be the example along the way, show everyone that no matter what the scoreboard (or negotiations) looks like, there is still an opportunity to win. Even if you don’t win, lose a client or you couldn’t close the deal for whatever reason, don’t become bitter and blame others. It doesn’t mean you are a failure, or all is lost. 

Be positive and know that all that means is now you have a different outcome or result that you can learn from. Choose to learn from it. Play the footage back, analyze it, take notes, and learn from it. The coach mindset allows you to be confident in your decision-making and abilities while respecting others for theirs. That’s success. That’s the big win and what makes getting to the closing table that much sweeter. 

A successful agent will be willing to analyze each deal and provide support in any way they can. 

The Choice Is Yours 

One of the key decisions you’ll need to make is whether you will be a part of a team or not. Now before you get anxious about making this decision, I want to share some points from my book: 

A successful solo act or team starts with you. As a new agent you may be at a crossroads. Do you start this real estate thing by yourself or do you join a team? If you have been in the business for a while and gained some traction, you might further your success by joining a team or stepping into a team leader role. Seasoned agents can offer what no other agents can, experience, especially in the beginning. This is so valuable. 

The new and younger agents both need it. I think of it like this: becoming a team leader and starting your own team can provide longevity and possibly a very nice retirement. The biggest takeaway is to find out where you are in your career and in your life. Maybe you are a stay-at-home mom and looking to make some extra money. Maybe you are tired of taking lunch breaks when you’re not even hungry at a job you don’t even like. 

Just remember what may be the right move for someone else may look completely different than yours. So your reason is yours to figure out and take ownership without comparing. Take a chance and do something different. Give it everything you’ve got and own it! With every client, at every event, in every meeting, take control in your own special way. Be the most successful real estate trailblazer, leader, and coach I know you can be. 

Hopefully, you are feeling more empowered to be a successful real estate agent. Focus on the keys to success, remain consistent, and you will see the results you came for.

Excerpted from Tabitha’s book, “Diary of a Successful Real Estate Agent.”

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