ul 1, 2024
🚀 Sign Up TODAY for Elevate Coaching with Dan HERE: https://www.expelevatecoaching.com/co… Registration ends JULY 10!
Hey guys I am so excited to have you at listing appointment Mastery. You’ve been working on this now for months—literally—and it’s based on exactly the steps before the appointment, during the appointment, after the appointment, and the nuances that make an excellent masterful listing presentation versus everybody else. It’s based on exactly how I went from having no market share in listings, to literally becoming the number one lister across San Diego County since 2016. And I am going to put it all out there for you so that you and the rest of our eXp family can continue to dominate The Real Estate world. So I’m excited to have you in the course. I am going all out on it and I’ll see you inside.